Iklan 2

Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Polisi Harus Berantas Kemaksiatan di Jalan / Tempat Umum

Di Indonesia ini kebebasan sudah kebablasan.
Kalau di kamar2 hotel yg tersembunyi dari umum dan anak2 mungkin orang tidak tahu dan tidak mempersalahkannya.
Tapi kalau kemaksiatan ditampilkan di depan umum, harusnya aparat bertindak. Itu melanggar hukum/tidak.
Kalau sudah mabuk di depan umum di negara2 Barat saja bisa dipenjara. Begitu pula pelacuran di jalan juga bisa dirazia.

Aparat harusnya bertindak dan mengajak FPI bekerjasama sbg pelapor saja dan saksi saat aparat bertindak. Dgn demikian, anarkisme bisa dijinakkan.

Polisi harusnya sadar. Dan mengajak FPI kerjasama sbg pelapor dan saksi saat Polisi mengadakan peneritiban. Jadi tidak akan ada anarkisme. Cuma kadang2 juga justru polisi yg jadi beking dari tempat maksiat tsb dan dapat setoran/suap.

Drinking in public
Some towns in the UK have banned drinking in public places like parks, town squares or city centres. Some transport companies have also banned drinking on buses and trains.
If you are drinking alcohol in a public place, you can be stopped by a police officer and have your drink taken from you. You can also be fined or arrested.

Drink driving
Driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal and very dangerous. It puts you as a driver, any other passengers in your car, other drivers and pedestrians in danger of serious injury.
If you are stopped by the police and found to be driving with too much alcohol in your body, you:
will lose your licence for at least 12 months
will get a criminal record
will be given a fine of up to £5,000
may face a prison sentence of six months



Baca selengkapnya di: http://media-islam.or.id/2012/10/10/minuman-keras-dan-narkoba-arakkhamar-itu-haram/

Polisi Federal dan Lokal Area Metro Denver menahan 22 tersangka pelacuran yang mengiklankan diri mereka di 2 situs internet:

Federal and local Denver metro area law enforcement agencies busted 22 alleged prostitutes last week, all of whom advertised on two separate Internet sites, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The two-day crackdown on Wednesday and Thursday reeled in escorts who advertised onwww.preferred411.com and www.denverbackpage.com, according to an FBI news release.
Investigators found that www.preferred411.com was "used nationwide to advertise for the purposes of prostitution and to verify 'clients,'" according to the release.
Twelve of the arrested women advertised on that site.

Read more: Prostitution bust nets 22 in Denver metro area - The Denver Posthttp://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_23479062/prostitution-bust-nets-22-denver-metro-area#ixzz2a4B4GAux

Pria 72 tahun termasuk dari 9 pria yang ditahan oleh polisi yang merazia pelacuran jalanan di Highgate:

A 72-YEAR-old man is among nine men who have been charged following an overnight police operation targeting street prostitution in Highgate.

Officers from Perth City Detectives, the Central Metropolitan District Crime Team and Perth police station charged nine men and one woman following a blitz on the inner city suburb last night.

A 44-year-old Highgate woman was charged with seeking a client in a public place for sex and will appear in the Perth Magistrates Court today.

The nine men have been charged with seeking a prostitute in a public place and will appear in the Perth Magistrates court on June 26.

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