Aitzaz Hasan (15 tahun) menyelamatkan 2000 teman sekolahnya dengan menyergap pria yang mengenakan rompi berisi bom bunuh diri guna meledakkan sekolahnya. Pria tersebut meledakkan bom yang menewaskan Aitzaz Hasan.
"Putra saya membuat ibunya menangis, tapi membuat ratusan ibu tidak menangis untuk anak-anak mereka," tutur ayah Hasan, Mujahid Ali kepada koran Pakistan, Express Tribune.
Upaya penyerangan sekolah tersebut terjadi di Ibrahimzai, kawasan pemukiman umat Syiah di Pakistan barat laut. Saat itu sekitar 2.000 murid berada di sekolah. Pakistan ingin agar pemerintah Pakistan memberi penghargaan tertinggi atas keberanian Aitzaz Hasan melawan teroris. Sementara keluarganya bangga akan keberanian Aitzaz Hasan yang menyelamatkan 2000 teman2nya dari kekejaman teroris.
Di Indonesia para pembom bunuh diri juga mulai ramai.
Situs2 radikal bebas menghasut ummat Islam.
Hal ini niscaya akan terjadi di Indonesia.
Membom sekolah atas nama "jihad"...
Aitzaz Hasan yang berusia 15 tahun syahid demi menyelamatkan 2000 teman2 sekolahnya...
Sebut teroris sebagai teroris. Membom tempat umum itu adalah perbuatan teroris. Kalau mau jihad, silahkan pergi ke Israel...
Membunuh 2000 anak sekolah yg usianya 15 tahun itu masuk neraka. Bunuh diri juga masuk neraka. Jadi dobel masuk nerakanya. Herannya ada saja kelompok ekstrim yg menyebutnya Bom Syahid. Anehnya, para provokatornya saya lihat tua2. Artinya mereka cuma bisa menghasut pemuda2 labil/bodoh untuk jadi pembom bunuh diri dgn iming2 jadi pengantin dgn 72 bidadari jadi istrinya di surga. Di Indonesia model begini juga banyak. Contohnya teroris Ciputat, ada saja media / kelompok "Islam" yg menyebutnya "Syuhada". Memangnya mereka perang melawan tentara kafir?
There have even been calls for him to receive the army's highest honour awarded to those who have sacrificed their life for their country, though it is unclear if he would be qualified to receive it as a civilian
The family of a Pakistani teenager who was killed after he tackled a suicide bomber say they are "proud" of the 15-year-old.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Aitzaz Hasan, a 15-year-old ninth grader, was late for school and rushing with two friends to make the morning assembly when they were stopped by a stranger wearing the same uniform as theirs, who curiously asked for directions. Aitzaz grew suspicious, and tackled the stranger as he tried to flee. Then the stranger blew himself up, killing them both.
The suicide bombing on Monday in northwestern Pakistan, where Islamist extremism and sectarian mayhem are daily facts of life, has struck a deep nerve in the country — not because of the bomber, believed to be a Taliban extremist, but because of the student who risked his life, and lost it, to stop him
Aitzaz Hasan: Tributes to Pakistan teenager killed when he stopped a bomber
Aitzaz is being hailed as a hero in an outpouring of praise on social media.There have even been calls for him to receive the army's highest honour awarded to those who have sacrificed their life for their country, though it is unclear if he would be qualified to receive it as a civilian
Aitzaz Hasan: Pakistan teenager 'brave', says cousin
The family of a Pakistani teenager who was killed after he tackled a suicide bomber say they are "proud" of the 15-year-old.
Call to Honor Pakistani Boy in Fatal Tackle of a Bomber
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Aitzaz Hasan, a 15-year-old ninth grader, was late for school and rushing with two friends to make the morning assembly when they were stopped by a stranger wearing the same uniform as theirs, who curiously asked for directions. Aitzaz grew suspicious, and tackled the stranger as he tried to flee. Then the stranger blew himself up, killing them both.
The suicide bombing on Monday in northwestern Pakistan, where Islamist extremism and sectarian mayhem are daily facts of life, has struck a deep nerve in the country — not because of the bomber, believed to be a Taliban extremist, but because of the student who risked his life, and lost it, to stop him
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