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Selasa, 27 November 2012

Rakyat Gaza Berterimakasih atas Rudal Iran dan Ciutnya Nyali Israel dan AS

Serangan roket balasan dari Gaza yang mencapai Tel Aviv setelah menembus perisai rudal Israel selama perang 8 hari membuat semangat AS dan Israel untuk berperang melawan Iran jadi luntur.
Berbagai simulasi perang, ternyata hasilnya tidak sesuai kenyataan.

Apalagi pejuang Hizbullah, Hamas, dan Jihad Islam memiliki 200 ribu roket dan rudal yang bisa menghantam Israel. Sebagian di antaranya seperti Roket Fajr 5 berasal dari Iran.
http://www.businessinsider.com/israel-gaza-iran-strike-2012-11Rakyat Gaza juga memasang Billboard ucapan terimakasih ke Iran yang telah menyumbang rudal Fajr 5 sehingga mereka bisa membela diri dari keganasan Israel. Rudal tsb menghunjam Tel Aviv dan Yerusalem.
http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/gazans-say-thank-you-iran-for-missiles-used-against-israel-1.480982Insya Allah meski Sunni beda dgn Syi'ah, namun jika ummat Islam bersatu, minimal ummat Islam di Palestina dan Lebanon bisa terhindar dari pembantaian kejam yang biasa dilakukan Israel dan milisi Phalangist. Apalagi Israel terus mencari waktu yang tepat untuk menyerang Palestina guna mewujudkan negara Israel Raya sebagai tanah Zion yang dijanjikan.  Yahudi akan senantiasa berusaha mengadu-domba ummat Islam melalui kelompok ekstrim di Sunni dan Syi'ah agar ummat Islam saling bunuh. Adu domba ini pernah mereka lakukan pada zaman Nabi di mana Bani 'Aus dan Suku Khazraj nyaris saling bunuh karenanya.“Sesungguhnya kamu dapati orang-orang yang paling keras permusuhannya terhadap orang-orang yang beriman ialah orang-orang Yahudi dan orang-orang musyrik…” (Qur’an 5:82)

Read more http://media-islam.or.id/2012/09/18/yahudi-dan-nasrani-adalah-musuh-islam-yang-utama/

Warga Gaza: Terima Kasih Iran!

Rabu, 28 November 2012, 10:23 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GAZA -- Warga Gaza mamasang plakat dan baliho di berbagai sudut kota. Baliho untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Republik Islam Iran atas dukungannya dalam perang delapan hari melawan rezim Zionis.

Aksi itu dilakukan beberapa hari setelah para pejuang Palestina berhasil mencapai kemenangan dalam melawan agresi brutal Israel.

Pejabat Tel Aviv dan Gaza menyatakan dukungan penuh Iran termasuk salah satu faktor kemenangan pejuang Palestina melawan Zionis.

''Di plakat-plakat yang mereka pasang itu, warga Gaza mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Iran dalam bahasa Persia, Arab, Inggris dan Ibrani,'' tulis situs Irib.

Poster-poster lain yang tersebar di Gaza juga menggambarkan rudal Fajr-5 Iran. Rudal yang digunakan untuk pertama kalinya dengan menargetkan Yerusalem dan Tel Aviv.

Seorang pejabat senior Jihad Islam Palestina, Khader Habib, mengatakan hal itu wajar saja untuk menunjukkan rasa syukur atas peran Iran dalam membela bangsa Palestina.

"Roket-roket Iran menyerang Tel Aviv. Mereka juga sampai ke Yerusalem,'' katanya kepada Reuters seperti dikutip Irib. ''Oleh karena itu, tugas kita untuk berterima kasih kepada mereka yang telah membantu orang-orang kami.''


Gazans say 'Thank you Iran', for missiles used against Israel

Gaza residents put up billboards to show their gratitude; during eight-day conflict, the Iranian-made Fajr missile fired toward Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

By Reuters | Nov.27, 2012 | 8:56 PM

A Palestinian woman walks next to a banner that reads "Thanks and gratitude to Iran" in Gaza City November 27, 2012. Photo by Reuters

By Gili Cohen | Nov.27,2012 | 8:56 PM

Gazans offered very public thanks to Iran on Tuesday for helping them in this month's fight against Israel, when Iranian-made missiles were fired out of the Palestinian enclave towards Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

"Thank you Iran", said large billboards on three major road junctions in the Gaza Strip - the first time there has been such public acknowledgement of Iran's role in the arming of Islamic militants in the tiny territory.

The message was written in Arabic, English, Hebrew and Farsi. The posters also depicted the Iranian Fajr 5 rockets that were used for the first time to target Israel's two largest population centres. No one was injured in the attacks.

The billboards were not signed, but a senior official with the militant group Islamic Jihad, Khader Habib, said it was only natural to show gratitude for Iran's role in the conflict.

"Iranian rockets struck at Tel Aviv. They reached out to Jerusalem. Therefore it was our duty to thank those who helped our people," he told Reuters.

"We have distinctive, good relations with Iran and such a relationship will continue as long as Iran supports the Palestinian people and backs up the resistance," he added.

Israel launched an air offensive on Nov. 14 with the stated aim of stopping Gaza militants from firing rockets at its southern towns and cities.

About 170 Palestinians, more than half of them civilians, died in the fighting that ended in a cease-fire last Wednesday. Six Israelis were also killed, four of them civilians.

Israel has always asserted that arch-foe Tehran supplied Gaza with weapons, but until the latest conflict both Iran and Gaza's dominant Islamist group Hamas had side-stepped the issue, acknowledging only financial backing and warm political ties.

During the eight-day conflagration, the Iranian speaker of parliament, Ali Larijani, said Iran was "honored" to have provided Gaza with military aid. Following the ceasefire, Hamas leader Khaled Meshal thanked Iran for arms and funding.

The public statements appeared aimed at dispelling speculation that the mainly Sunni Muslim Gaza Strip was shutting the door on Shi'ite Iran and turning instead to neighboring Egypt for support and protection.

Israeli analyst Meir Javedanfar said he thought the Iranians would regret telling the world they supplied Hamas with arms.

"Now that such high-ranking officials openly admit to having supplied weapons to groups in Gaza, the job of isolating Iran will be even easier than before," said Javedanfar, an Iranian expert at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya.

Israel and many Western countries say Iran is developing nuclear weapons and have imposed increasingly stringent sanctions on the Islamic Republic to get it to halt its uranium enrichment drive. Tehran says its atomic program is peaceful.

Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007, refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist and is shunned as a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union.


Officials: Israel's Gaza Offensive Was Training For A Possible Fight With Iran

Michael Kelley | Nov. 23, 2012, 11:22 AM | 9,906 | 39

REPORT: Iran Drew Up Plans To Cause A Vast Oil Spill In The Strait Of Hormuz

Israel's eight-day Gaza offensive was a dry run for any future armed confrontation with Iran, U.S. and Israeli officials told The New York Times.
“In Operation Pillar of Defense, Israel was not confronting Gaza, but Iran,” military historian and Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Michael B. Oren told the Times.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) employed F-16 fighter jets to drop bunker-busting bombs on underground tunnels as well as Apache helicopters and drones to hit more than 1,500 targets in Gaza.
The first strike of the conflict may have been Oct. 22 when fighter jets bombed an Iranian arms factory in Sudan. Israel has been mum about the strike, but everyone from Sudan to the U.N. believes four Israeli stealth jets targeted the factory because it was used to supply arms — including Fajr rockets like those fired at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem — to Hamas in Gaza.
Learning and reducing the capabilities of Iran's surrogates — Hamas and (especially) Islamic Jihad in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon — is important to Israel because those groups would contribute to the 200,000 rockets and missiles that could strike Israel during any military confrontation with Iran.
And as Moran Stern wrote in The Atlantic, the operation also went toward preparing Israel's military and populace for consequences that would follow a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.
Israel's Iron Dome, partially funded by the U.S., intercepted 84 percent of the 1,506 rockets fired from Gaza that were targeted, but it wouldn't deter Hezbollah's medium-range rockets or Iran's long-range missiles because it is designed to counter only short-range rockets launched from 50 miles of less.
“The general lesson is that missile defense is effective, it can work,” said Uzi Rubin, the former head of Israel’s missile defense program, told The Washington Post. “But Iron Dome has nothing to do with threats from Iran.”
To that end Israel is developing a medium-range missile defense system, called David’s Sling, which was tested in computer simulations during the recent American-Israeli exercise (i.e. Austere Challenge), and has fielded a long-range system called Arrow.
“Nobody has really had to manage this kind of a battle before,” Jeffrey White, a defense fellow for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told the Times. “There [would be] lots of rockets coming in all over half the country, and there are all different kinds of rockets being fired.”
Operation Pillar of Cloud likely decimated Hamas' arsenal of 10,000 to 12,000 rockets, but the offensive didn't come close to the firepower and strategy needed to attack Iran.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/israel-gaza-iran-strike-2012-11#ixzz2DUHmnVqy

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