Iklan 2

Senin, 10 Mei 2010

Empat Langkah Strategi World Bank untuk Memperbudak Negara Berkembang

IMF dan WB itu adalah mesin Neolib. Negara2 berkembang dihutangi Dollar yg sebetulnya dcetak dari kertas tak berharga oleh konco mereka The Fed. Sebagai ganti kertas tak berharga itu, negara2 berkembang menyerahkan kekayaan alamnya, BUMN2nya untuk diprivatisasi, dan perekonomian mereka.

Dari komentar “JackManis” di Kaskus:

“Empat Langkah Strategi” World Bank untuk Memperbudak Negara Berkembang

Profesor Joseph Stiglitz, mantan Ketua Ekonom World Bank, dan mantan Ketua Penasehat Bill Clinton, mengakui di publik “Empat Langkah Strategi” World Bank untuk memperbudak negara demi keuntungan bankir.

Langkah Satu : Privatisasi. Pemimpin nasional akan ditawarkan 10% komisi untuk menjual aset-aset nasional. Uang akan disimpan dengan aman di rekening mereka di Swiss.

Langkah Dua : Liberisasi Pasar Modal. Stiglitz menyebutnya siklus uang panas. Dana dari luar negeri harus dibiarkan bebas masuk untuk berspekulasi di real estate dan mata uang. Saat keadaan tampak menjanjikan, uang ditarik keluar untuk menciptakan kekacauan ekonomi.

Negara bersangkutan kemudian akan meminta bantuan dari IMF dan IMF kemudian mensyaratkan untuk menaikkan suku bunga bank antara 30% sampai 80%. Ini terjadi di Indonesia, Brazil, dan juga negara-negara Asia dan Latin lainnya. Suku bunga tinggi ini menyebabkan kemiskinan bangsa, menurunkan nilai properti, menghancurkan produksi industri dan mengeringkan tabungan nasional.

Langkah Tiga : Penentuan Harga Pasar. Harga makanan, air, dan gas dinaikkan yang menyebabkan keresahan sosial yang berujung ke kerusuhan. Ini dikenal dengan istilah “kerusuhan IMF”. Kerusuhan akan menyebabkan pelarian modal dan kebangkrutan pemerintah. Ini menguntungkan korporasi luar negeri karena aset-aset negara tersebut sekarang bisa dibeli dengan harga amat murah.

Langkah Empat : Perdagangan Bebas. Ini adalah tahap di mana korporasi internasional akan memasuki pasar Asia, Latin Amerika, dan Afrika pada saat mereka sendiri tetap mengenakan tarif masuk bagi produk agrikultur negara dunia ketiga. Mereka mengenakan harga yang sangat tinggi untuk obat bermerek dan menyebabkan tingkat kematian dan penyakit yang sangat tinggi.

Akan ada banyak orang yang kalah dalam sistem ini, dan sangat sedikit pemenang, para bankir. Sesungguhnya penjualan utilitas seperti listrik, air, telepon, dan gas adalah prasyarat untuk mendapatkan pinjaman oleh negara berkembang. Aset-aset ini diperkirakan senilai 4 trilyun dolar.

Bulan September, Stiglitz diberikan hadiah Nobel bidang ekonomi.


Saya pelajari sekilas Presiden Bank Dunia, ternyata (apakah kebetulan?) mayoritas Yahudi semua dari Presiden pertama Eugene Meye, hingga presiden2 terakhir seperti: Lewis T. Preston, James Wolfensohn, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Zoellick.

Ada pun John J McCloy dan Robert McNamara meski bukan Yahudi namun sangat dekat dengan Zionis Yahudi. Bahkan McNamara-lah yang menjerumuskan AS ke dalam perang Vietnam. Beberapa dari Presiden Bank Dunia tersebut terlibat aktif di bidang politik. Paul Wolfowitz sebagai contoh adalah zionis Yahudi ekstrim yang menjerumuskan AS ke dalam perang Iraq.

Sekali lagi jika World Bank itu positif kontribusinya, itu tidak masalah. Tapi kalau cuma parasit, itu berbahaya.


List of presidents

* Eugene Meyer (June 1946–December 1946) - Yahudi

* John J. McCloy (March 1947–June 1949)

* Eugene R. Black, Sr. (1949–1963) - Yahudi

* George D. Woods (January 1963–March 1968) - Yahudi

* Robert McNamara (April 1968–June 1981)

* Alden W. Clausen (July 1981–June 1986) - Yahudi

* Barber Conable (July 1986–August 1991) - Yahudi

* Lewis T. Preston (September 1991–May 1995) - Yahudi

* James Wolfensohn (May 1995–June 2005) - Yahudi

* Paul Wolfowitz (1 June 2005–June 2007) - Yahudi

* Robert Zoellick (1 July 2007–Present) - Yahudi




Robert B. Zoellick———————————-President of the World Bank

Member of CFR and Project for the New American Century signatory. Formerly U.S. Trade Representative and Under Secretary of State in the Bush administration. In 2005 Zoellick was promoted to Deputy Secretary of State. He resigned from the #2 position in the State Department to join the Wall Street investment house Goldman Sachs Group. It is no accident that Robert Zoellick was in line with the loudest chicken-hawks in promoting the Iraq War, and at the same time acted to increase our unemployment lines in America. Robert Zoellick has been instrumental in fostering outsourcing of American jobs to the Third World.


Jubilee Plus publishes below a damning interview between Joseph Stiglitz ex-chief economist at the World Bank with the Observer, held over the weekend of the IMF’s 2001 Spring meetings. In the interview he attackes the role of the US in stripping debtor nations of assets. He praised Botswana for defying the Bank and the Fund, and refusing a Structural Adjustment Programme.

IMF’s Four steps to Damnation

(UK) 29th April, 2001 by Gregory Palast

It was like a scene out of Le Carré: the brilliant agent comes in from the cold and, in hours of debriefing, empties his memory of horrors committed in the name of an ideology gone rotten. But this was a far bigger catch than some used-up Cold War spy.

The former apparatchik was Joseph Stiglitz, ex-chief economist of the World Bank. The new world economic order was his theory come to life. He was in Washington for the big confab of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. But instead of chairing meetings of ministers and central bankers, he was outside the police cordons. The World Bank fired Stiglitz two years ago. He was not allowed a quiet retirement: he was excommunicated purely for expressing mild dissent from globalisation World Bank-style.

Here in Washington we conducted exclusive interviews with Stiglitz, for The Observer and Newsnight, about the inside workings of the IMF, the World Bank, and the bank’s 51% owner, the US Treasury. And here, from sources unnamable (not Stiglitz), we obtained a cache of documents marked, ‘confidential’ and ‘restricted’. Stiglitz helped translate one, a ‘country assistance strategy’. There’s an assistance strategy for every poorer nation, designed, says the World Bank, after careful in-country investigation. But according to insider Stiglitz, the Bank’s ‘investigation’ involves little more than close inspection of five-star hotels. It concludes with a meeting with a begging finance minister, who is handed a ‘restructuring agreement’ pre-drafted for ‘voluntary’ signature.

Each nation’s economy is analysed, says Stiglitz, then the Bank hands every minister the same four-step programme.

Step One is privatisation. Stiglitz said that rather than objecting to the sell-offs of state industries, some politicians – using the World Bank’s demands to silence local critics – happily flogged their electricity and water companies. ‘You could see their eyes widen’ at the possibility of commissions for shaving a few billion off the sale price. And the US government knew it, charges Stiglitz, at least in the case of the biggest privatisation of all, the 1995 Russian sell-off. ‘The US Treasury view was: “This was great, as we wanted Yeltsin re-elected. We DON’T CARE if it’s a corrupt election.” ‘ Stiglitz cannot simply be dismissed as a conspiracy nutter. The man was inside the game – a member of Bill Clinton’s cabinet, chairman of the President’s council of economic advisers. Most sick-making for Stiglitz is that the US-backed oligarchs stripped Russia’s industrial assets, with the effect that national output was cut nearly in half.

After privatisation, Step Two is capital market liberalisation. In theory this allows investment capital to flow in and out. Unfortunately, as in Indonesia and Brazil, the money often simply flows out. Stiglitz calls this the ‘hot money’ cycle. Cash comes in for speculation in real estate and currency, then flees at the first whiff of trouble. A nation’s reserves can drain in days. And when that happens, to seduce speculators into returning a nation’s own capital funds, the IMF demands these nations raise interest rates to 30%, 50% and 80%. ‘The result was predictable,’ said Stiglitz. Higher interest rates demolish property values, savage industrial production and drain national treasuries.

At this point, according to Stiglitz, the IMF drags the gasping nation to Step Three: market-based pricing – a fancy term for raising prices on food, water and cooking gas. This leads, predictably, to Step-Three-and-a-Half: what Stiglitz calls ‘the IMF riot’. The IMF riot is painfully predictable. When a nation is, ‘down and out, [the IMF] squeezes the last drop of blood out of them. They turn up the heat until, finally, the whole cauldron blows up,’ – as when the IMF eliminated food and fuel subsidies for the poor in Indonesia in 1998. Indonesia exploded into riots. There are other examples – the Bolivian riots over water prices last year and, this February, the riots in Ecuador over the rise in cooking gas prices imposed by the World Bank. You’d almost believe the riot was expected. And it is. What Stiglitz did not know is that Newsnight obtained several documents from inside the World Bank. In one, last year’s Interim Country Assistance Strategy for Ecuador, the Bank several times suggests – with cold accuracy – that the plans could be expected to spark ‘social unrest’. That’s not surprising. The secret report notes that the plan to make the US dollar Ecuador’s currency has pushed 51% of the population below the poverty line. The IMF riots (and by riots I mean peaceful demonstrations dispersed by bullets, tanks and tear gas) cause new flights of capital and government bankruptcies This economic arson has its bright side – for foreigners, who can then pick off remaining assets at fire sale prices. A pattern emerges. There are lots of losers but the clear winners seem to be the western banks and US Treasury.

Now we arrive at Step Four: free trade. This is free trade by the rules of the World Trade Organisation and the World Bank, which Stiglitz likens to the Opium Wars. ‘That too was about “opening markets”,’ he said. As in the nineteenth century, Europeans and Americans today are kicking down barriers to sales in Asia, Latin American and Africa while barricading our own markets against the Third World ‘s agriculture. In the Opium Wars, the West used military blockades.

Today, the World Bank can order a financial blockade, which is just as effective and sometimes just as deadly. Stiglitz has two concerns about the IMF/World Bank plans. First, he says, because the plans are devised in secrecy and driven by an absolutist ideology, never open for discourse or dissent, they ‘undermine democracy’. Second, they don’t work. Under the guiding hand of IMF structural ‘assistance’ Africa’s income dropped by 23%. Did any nation avoid this fate? Yes, said Stiglitz, Botswana. Their trick? ‘They told the IMF to go packing.’ Stiglitz proposes radical land reform: an attack on the 50% crop rents charged by the propertied oligarchies worldwide. Why didn’t the World Bank and IMF follow his advice? ‘If you challenge [land ownership], that would be a change in the power of the elites. That’s not high on their agenda.

‘ Ultimately, what drove him to put his job on the line was the failure of the banks and US Treasury to change course when confronted with the crises, failures, and suffering perpetrated by their four-step monetarist mambo. ‘It’s a little like the Middle Ages,’ says the economist, ‘When the patient died they would say well, we stopped the bloodletting too soon, he still had a little blood in him.’ Maybe it’s time to remove the bloodsuckers.




Ben Shalom Bernanke - is the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve. He is ranked 4th most powerful person in the world in an annual ranking by Newsweek

Donald Kohn (Jewish) - Vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, 2006 - 2010 (4 year term)

Arthur F. Burns (Jewish) - Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1970 to 1978

Alan Greenspan (Jewish)- Previous chairman of the US Federal Reserve from 1987 to 2006.

Alan Blinder (Jewish) Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System from 1994 to 1996

Lawrence Summers - (Jewish) "Summers is director of Obama's National Economic Council. He may at a later time succeed Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the Federal Reserve."

Paul Warburg, an immigrant German Jew and a driving force behind creation of the Fed. Warburg also served, albeit reluctantly, as one of President Wilson's five initial appointments to the Fed Board of Governors (from its 1914 inception until 1918) and was considered by some as the de facto Chairman.

Robert Zoellik (Jewish) - World Bank president 2007 present

James Wolfensohn (Jewish) - World Bank president 1995 - 2005

Paul Wolfowitz (Jewish) - World Bank president 2005 - 2007

Eugene Meyer (Jewish) First President of the World Bank in June 1946.

Alden W. Clausen (Jewish) World Bank president 1981 - 1986

Also Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1930 to 1933.

World Bank Chief Economist -

"The position of World Bank Chief Economist is one of the most influential in economics. The full title is Senior Vice President, Development Economics, and Chief Economist. The chief economist provides intellectual leadership and direction to the Bank’s overall development strategy and economic research agenda, at global, regional and country levels. As a member of the Bank’s senior management team the person advises the President and Bank’s management on economic issues."

Stanley Fischer - (Jew) 1988-1990

Lawrence Summers - (Jew) 1991-1993

Michael Bruno - (Jew) 1993-1996

Joseph E. Stiglitz - (Jew) 1997–2000

Nicholas Stern - (Jew) 2000–2003

1988 - 2003!!!

Dominique Strauss-Kahn (Jewish) - Managing Director (head) of International Monetary Fund 2007 - present

John Lipsky (Jewish) - First Deputy Managing Director (second in charge) of International Monetary Fund. 2006 - present

Stanley Fischer (Jewsh) - First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, 1994 - 2001. Governor of the Bank of Israel from May 1, 2005

Obamas economic policy advisors

8 out of 21 are Jewish: Liebman, Romer, Romer, Rubin, Summers, Blinder, Bernstein, Reich


Arthur Levitt (Jewish) - Chairman of American Stock Exchange, 1978 - 1989

Robert Greifeld (Jew??) - President and CEO of NASDAQ stock exchange.

Sanford I. Weill, commonly known as Sandy Weill is an American banker, financier and philanthropist. He is a former chief executive officer and chairman of Citigroup Inc. He served in those positions until October 1, 2003 and April 18, 2006 respectively.

Citigroup Inc., doing business as Citi, is a major American financial services company based in New York, NY. Citigroup was formed from one of the world's largest mergers in history by combining the banking giant Citicorp and financial conglomerate Travelers Group on April 7, 1998. Citigroup Inc. has the world's largest financial services network, spanning 107 countries with approximately 12,000 offices worldwide.

In 1993 he reacquired his old Shearson brokerage (now Shearson Lehman) from American Express for $1.2 billion. By the end of the year, he had completely taken over Travelers Corp in a $4 billion stock deal and officially began calling his corporation Travelers Group Inc. In 1996 he added to his holdings, at a cost of $4 billion, the property and casualty operations of Aetna Life & Casualty. In September 1997 Weill acquired Salomon Inc., the parent company of Salomon Brothers Inc. for over $9 billion in stock.

In April 1998 Travelers Group announced an agreement to undertake the $76 billion merger between Travelers and Citicorp, and the merger was completed on October 8, 1998.

The merged companies became the largest financial services company in the world, with 100 million customers in 100 countries. At first, Sanford Weill served as Co-Chairman and Co-CEO with Citicorp Chairman John S. Reed, but in 2000 Weill became the sole Chairman and CEO of Citigroup. Under Weill's leadership, Citigroup achieved unprecedented success

In 2001, Sanford I. Weill became a Class A Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Class A Directors are Board Members who are elected by Member Banks (of the Federal Reserve System) to represent the interests of Member Banks.

Robert Edward Rubin served as the 70th United States[u] Secretary of the Treasury during both the first and second Clinton administrations.[/i] Before his government service, he spent 26 years at Goldman Sachs. On July 1, 2002, [u]Rubin became a member of Harvard Corporation, the executive governing board of Harvard University.[/i]

In 1999, Rubin joined Citigroup as a board member and as a participant "in strategic managerial and operational matters of the Company, but no line responsibilities. The Wall Street Journal called this mix of oversight and management responsibilities "murky." In an interview with the Journal, Rubin said: "I think I've been a very constructive part of the Citigoup environment." Separately, the Journal noted that Citigroup shareholders have suffered losses of more than 70 percent since Rubin joined the firm and that he encouraged changes that led the firm to the brink of collapse. From November to December 2007, he served temporarily as Chairman of Citigroup

During his time in the private sector, Rubin has served on the board of directors of the New York Stock Exchange, the Ford Motor Company, Citigroup, the Harvard Corporation, the New York Futures Exchange, the New York City Partnership and the Center for National Policy. He has also served on the the President's Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Market Oversight and Financial Services Advisory Committee, the Mayor of New York's Council of Economic Advisors and the Governor's Council on Fiscal and Economic Priorities for the State of New York.

Felix George Rohatyn is an American investment banker known for his role in preventing the bankruptcy of New York City in the 1970s, who also served as United States Ambassador to France., 1997 - 2000.

On August 22, 2006, he was appointed by Lehman Brothers as chairman of its international advisory committee and as a senior adviser to its chairman, Richard S. Fuld, Jr. (Jewish). He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations


Although he was a prime architect of the Vietnam War and repeatedly overruled the JCS on strategic matters, McNamara gradually became skeptical about whether the war could be won by deploying more troops to South Vietnam and intensifying the bombing of North Vietnam


The end of the Bretton Woods System (1972–81)

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Video (3:29): Former U.S. President Richard Nixon announces end of dollar link to gold

U.S. gas station during the 1970s oil price shock.

U.S. gas station during the 1970s oil price shock.

Related Links

* End of Bretton Woods system

* Nixon address

* 1973 oil crisis

* IMF chronology

* IMF Articles of Agreement

* IMF-World Bank library

* List of IMF managing directors

By the early 1960s, the U.S. dollar's fixed value against gold, under the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates, was seen as overvalued. A sizable increase in domestic spending on President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs and a rise in military spending caused by the Vietnam War gradually worsened the overvaluation of the dollar.

End of Bretton Woods system

The system dissolved between 1968 and 1973. In August 1971, U.S. President Richard Nixon announced the "temporary" suspension of the dollar's convertibility into gold. While the dollar had struggled throughout most of the 1960s within the parity established at Bretton Woods, this crisis marked the breakdown of the system. An attempt to revive the fixed exchange rates failed, and by March 1973 the major currencies began to float against each other.

Since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, IMF members have been free to choose any form of exchange arrangement they wish (except pegging their currency to gold): allowing the currency to float freely, pegging it to another currency or a basket of currencies, adopting the currency of another country, participating in a currency bloc, or forming part of a monetary union.

Oil shocks

Many feared that the collapse of the Bretton Woods system would bring the period of rapid growth to an end. In fact, the transition to floating exchange rates was relatively smooth, and it was certainly timely: flexible exchange rates made it easier for economies to adjust to more expensive oil, when the price suddenly started going up in October 1973. Floating rates have facilitated adjustments to external shocks ever since.

The IMF responded to the challenges created by the oil price shocks of the 1970s by adapting its lending instruments. To help oil importers deal with anticipated current account deficits and inflation in the face of higher oil prices, it set up the first of two oil facilities.

Helping poor countries

From the mid-1970s, the IMF sought to respond to the balance of payments difficulties confronting many of the world's poorest countries by providing concessional financing through what was known as the Trust Fund. In March 1986, the IMF created a new concessional loan program called the Structural Adjustment Facility. The SAF was succeeded by the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility in December 1987.


10 komentar:

  1. WAH.....



    BRTI NTR DY DONK YG BAKAL NGANCURIN NEGARA KITA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    TDK BSA D BIARKAN.........

  2. Saya yakin bu Sri orangnya cerdas, punya keteguhan hati dan cinta dengan Indonesia. Semoga malah beliau bisa mencegah bila ada skenario-skenario buruk seperti itu. Mari kita berdoa semoga beliau selalu terjaga kesadaran nuraninya. Tidak hanya terhadap Indonesia, tapi juga terhadap semua negara berkembang di dunia.

  3. baca juga http://hndika.wordpress.com/2009/12/01/dollar-yen-rupiah-ringgit-tak-memiliki-nilai-apapun/

  4. [...] dengan Zionis Yahudi Soal Freedom Flotilla (Mavi Marmara)Yahudi AS Dominasi Ekonomi Indonesia?Empat Langkah Strategi World Bank untuk Memperbudak Negara BerkembangINILAH ISI RUU TENTANG PORNOGRAFIObama Tambah Pasukan AS di Afghanistan untuk Bantai Ummat [...]

  5. empat alasan yang masuk akal mereka terapkan
    kasihan negara tertinggal
    terima kasih artikelnya

  6. [...] http://www.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/209/42969.html http://kabarislam.wordpress.com/2010/05/11/empat-langkah-strategi-world-bank-untuk-memperbudak-negar... [...]

  7. [...] http://www.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/209/42969.html http://kabarislam.wordpress.com/2010/05/11/empat-langkah-strategi-world-bank-untuk-memperbudak-negar... [...]

  8. artikel bagus..
    kebetulan lagi bikin makalah tentang materi yang sama
    izin copas
    makasih ya...

  9. [...] http://kabarislam.wordpress.com/2010/05/11/empat-langkah-strategi-world-bank-untuk-memperbudak-negar... [...]
